Contact Sheet, Outtake 2023 *this is not the print!
In Dream psychology, a house represents the structure of the mind, each room hidden with lessons to help us arrive at a deeper understanding of our existence. Perhaps the room with the most richness to untangle is through the door of childhood. For many people that door remains hidden & shut away due to our survival methods of blocking out painful memories. The path walked of opening this door and facing everything hidden in plain sight is to walk a path of creativity, deep emotional intimacy and profound enlightenment. I keep opening these doors because I believe that I am not alone in wanting a deeper understanding of our existence, of desiring complexity in the understanding of archetypal woman and girlhood, of wanting to create a sense of place within the mind that promotes freedom and playfulness of the imagination.
In Rooms proudly Presents…
The Children’s Room, 2023
featuring Abby Holgerson at The Gallier House
11x14 Ed. 1/10 sold , Comment or email for 2/10
This is one of my favorite prints of all time! It is a surprise each time I look at it and I can’t look away!
Enjoy and thanks for your subscription to view and support the work <3